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Enzyme Therapy

In ‘Enzymes Explained’, Ty Bollinger reports, “The fact of the matter is that enzymes are more important than the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. WHY IS THIS? Because enzymes are required for your body to function properly because without enzymes you wouldn’t be able to breathe, swallow, drink, eat, think, see, or digest food. All of your cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissues are run by enzymes. Your immune system, kidneys, pancreas, liver, spleen, and blood stream depend on enzymes.”
Now imagine what happens in an enzyme deficient society caused by the elimination of these crucial components from food to extend shelf life.

In order to find out how Enzyme therapy can help you on the road to good health, Dr Barber will conduct a comprehensive Digestive Health Evaluation.

The Comprehensive Digestive Health Evaluation consists of:

  • A Personal Interview to understand your chief complaints , obtain a comprehensive health history and learn what actions you have taken previously for these complaints.

  • A Palpatory Exam to determine what organs or body systems undernourished and under stress.

  • A Sign & Symptoms Survey:  A link will be provided to you so if you forget to share some of your complaints during the interview, it will be captured during this survey. The Sign & Symptoms Survey is the only questionnaire of its type to identify dietary deficiencies of food components (such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats), food enzymes (such as lipase, protease and amylase) and coenzymes (such as vitamins and minerals).

  • 24 hour urinalysis & heavy metal toxicity testing. This lab work determines nutritional enzymes deficiencies, isolated digestive disorders as well as nutritional deficiencies which can manifest as dis-ease of the body. Heavy Metal testing looks specifically at toxic levels of Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg) and Nickel (Ni)


Dr. Patty Barber is an Advanced (Loomis) Digestive Health Professional. She evaluates the subjective components (Personal Interview, Palpatory Exam & Sign & Symptom Survey) along with the objective lab work to determine what course of action is best for your specific body. You will receive a detailed report of findings which include the results of your lab work along with recommendations for dietary adjustments, nutritional support and enzymes.



This Pastoral Medical Association (PMA) practitioner does not practice medicine.  More specifically, this practitioner does not: examine, diagnose, treat, offer to treat, cure, or attempt to cure: any physical or mental disease or disorder, or any physical deformity or injury.  Nor does this practitioner prescribe or recommend any drugs or medicine.

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