Dr. Patricia M. Barber, ND
Dr. Patricia M. Barber, ND,PSc.D, ADHP is a Doctor of Naturopathy . Dr. Barber received her degree from Trinity School of Natural Health.
Dr. Barber credentials include:
Doctor of Naturopathy
Certified Functional Medicine Clinician (CFMC)
Board Certified by the American Academy of Drugless Practitioners
Advanced (Loomis) Digestive Health Professional (ADHP)
Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)
Certified Health Specialist (CHS)
Certified in Nutritional Counseling (CNC)
Master Herbalist (MH)
Master Iridologist (MI)
Fluid Management Technician (Lymphatic)
Visceral Manipulation
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Touch For Health (TFH) Level I-VI
Usui & Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher
Ordained Minister
Shamanic Healer
Doctor of Pastoral Science & Medicine (PSc.D)
Dr. Barber is licensed by the Professional Wellness Alliance (PWA).
Dr. Barber spent 6 1/2 years as the North East Medical Educator for Dessert Biologics, a medical bio-regulatory and homeopathic company.
Dr. Barber spent 4 years as an Adjunct Instructor for Trinity School of Natural Health.

Dr. Barber’s mission is to enlighten and educate clients to participate in their own health utilizing education and other modalities.
Dr. Patty works with each client individually to determine the strengths and imbalances of their body. Through a comprehensive Health Evaluation, Dr. Barber pinpoints the areas of stress for your body. Are these stresses mechanical, nutritional, chemical or emotional? Is your body able to properly utilize protein, complex carbohydrates or health fats? You may be eating a healthy diet but can your body properly use the foods that you are giving it?
We are all individuals and a cookie cutter approach is not the most effective means of resolving the Dis-Eases of the body. These imbalances are traced back to root causes. Dr. Barber will provide recommendations to help aid the client in harmonizing the body to heal itself. These solutions work in conjunction with your medical doctor’s approach to your health and provides a more complete solution for body, mind & spirit. Dr. Patty works as part of your health care team often along side your medical doctor, chiropractor and other health care specialists.
Dr. Barber is not a Medical Doctor (MD) and recommends that any suggestions should be reviewed with the client’s allopathic Medical Doctor (MD).
This Professional Wellness Alliance (PWA) practitioner does not practice medicine. More specifically, this practitioner does not: examine, diagnose, treat, offer to treat, cure, or attempt to cure: any physical or mental disease or disorder, or any physical deformity or injury. Nor does this practitioner prescribe or recommend any drugs or medicine.